[Music Inputs] Music has power and it communicates to us

The first Music Inputs this year was held on January 25, 2018. It is a monthly gathering for our community’s dance, music, drama and other ministries that we have. And I am one of the dance ministry members.

The inputs started at 8 o’clock in the evening at Sta. Isabel Parish Church, lead by kuya Rolan Marcelo. It was a witty night. It’s not all serious and I really enjoyed it. Even though it was time to sleep, I managed to stay awake and listen to the talk.

“In everything we do, do it for God’s glory.”

True. In my case, I should keep in mind that I dance for Him, to glorify Him and praise Him. I should think that all of it is for Him and to no one else.

“Music has power, music communicates to us and music often delivers message.”

These are just some things thought to us. It all tackles about our sincerity in worshiping God. We don’t dance just because we just like to, but we dance because we are to worship and glorify His name.

Music communicates to us when we are depress, happy and in love. Take for example, when you’re in love with someone, you sing a song that explains your feelings for him or her. If you hear a song when you’re happy, you just can’t help it but sing along. When we’re sad or broken, we often find love songs sad, too. Isn’t it?

Music has power because it can slow and meditate us, it can calm us down. According to science, it can energie our brain and enhances our creativity. If you want to memorize anything for your exams, sing the words.

“Dance with your heart and your feet will follow.”

We really can’t expect people from our monthly gatherings to greet us livelier. As the servants of the Lord, we are expected to greet them with smiles on our faces. If we want them to enjoy the celebration every month, we need to show them that we are happy that we’re at the house of our Lord.

If we want them to dance with us, we must dance with all our hearts so that they can follow. Fake is not contagious. A fake disease can not affect others because it’s fake. And a fake happiness can never affect others.

So, if you want others to sing with you, sing first.

(From left to right) Kuya Edmon, Kobe, Carla, Precious and Tricia.

There are so many things that I’ve realized after listening to the talk. And I know that this is just the start of the learnings I’m going to hear. I chose to attend here because I want to learn not only academics but also, something spiritual.

I want to know more about Him.

Published by Precious Jasmin

'99 | Architecture student | Dancer | Blogger | Amateur writer | Amateur Photographer | Sporty | Pink |

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