[YLC Inputs] Pray from our hearts

January 27, 2018, was when the second YLC inputs was held. First, what is YLC? YLC stands for Yes Lord Club where you start serving God not just by attending at the church. When you become a YLC, you are expected to welcome those who are new to the community. Some invites other to attendContinueContinue reading “[YLC Inputs] Pray from our hearts”

[Music Inputs] Music has power and it communicates to us

The first Music Inputs this year was held on January 25, 2018. It is a monthly gathering for our community’s dance, music, drama and other ministries that we have. And I am one of the dance ministry members. The inputs started at 8 o’clock in the evening at Sta. Isabel Parish Church, lead by kuyaContinueContinue reading “[Music Inputs] Music has power and it communicates to us”

Folk dancing

I missed dancing folk dance. It has been when? It’s almost 4 years since I last dance this. And seeing them again in a while makes me reminisce. The costumes are great! The steps are somehow familiar but it made me smile. I am dying to dance this one more time! Here are some photosContinueContinue reading “Folk dancing”